

Model: 50 * Ф Ф 16

产品特点:合金金刚石砂轮又称金刚石砂轮,以金刚石磨料为原料,硬度高、抗压强度高、耐磨性好的特点,使金刚石磨具的磨削加工成磨削硬脆材料及硬质合金的理想工具, 专用于钨钢刀,不但效率高、精度高而且粗糙度好、磨具消耗少、使用寿命长同时也可以改善劳动条件,所以得到广泛应用。

Product features: alloy diamond grinding wheel is also called the diamond grinding wheel, diamond abrasive as raw material, high hardness, high compressive strength and good wear resistance characteristics of the diamond abrasive grinding into grinding of hard brittle materials and the ideal of hard alloy tools, dedicated to tungsten steel knife, not only high efficiency, high precision and good roughness, abrasive consumption, long service life and at the same time also can improve working conditions, so widely used.

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